Important note: Direct Indexing results in each investor having their own performance based on the amount invested, the tilts and the screens chosen. The figures below are the returns for indicative portfolios without any screens or tilts.
Global Leaders
- 3 month return: 11.1%
- 1 year return: 33.8%
- Since inception: 15.8%p.a.

Australian Leaders
- 3 month return: 14.1%
- 1 year return: 8.1%
- Since inception: 10.7%p.a.

Bond Ladder
- 3 month return: 5.3%
- 1 year return: 0.5%
- Since inception:-3.6%p.a.

Past performance is not an indication of future performance. The above returns are per annum, as of January 31st 2024 and after investment fees (of 0.17%) but before administration fees (variable, available on our client portal and FAQs). Inception returns are per annum from 1 January 2021.