Custom Indexes

Tailor your superannuation and investment portfolios with Nucleus Direct Indexing’s innovative, award winning, direct investing solution.

How to create a portfolio

Direct Indexing is like an exchange traded fund (ETF) or index that you customise to suit your investment needs.


Choose your market and how many stocks you want

Global, Australian, bond and cash options


Choose ethics and themes to screen out

Ethically Aligned Investment Options


Choose themes to add or tilt your portfolio towards

Flexible Portfolio Customization

Seize Control of Your Investments Today

Client Testimonials

Discover what our satisfied clients have to say about the transformative impact of our direct indexing services.

Multi-award winning portfolios

Nucleus Direct Indexing is leading the way in personalized investment solutions, offering direct ownership of global and Australian shares for tailored portfolios.

Where Innovation Meets Recognition

Our dedication to creating bespoke investment solutions has not gone unnoticed.

Customized Investments

The journey of innovation and customization we’re on has caught the eye of the financial press, underscoring our efforts to tailor each portfolio to its owner’s aspirations.

Controlled Investment Decisions

The articles and mentions featured below showcase our commitment to leading the charge in personalized investment. Join us in exploring these highlights.

Transform Your Investments Today

Start your journey towards a customized investment portfolio that aligns with your values and financial aspirations. Contact us now.

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